Welcome to Saint Andrew


Saint Andrew began as a mission congregation of the Lutheran Church in America (LCA) in 1980. Initially, worship services were held at Rib Mountain Elementary School (1980-1981) and St. Matthew’s Catholic Church School (1982-1984) before moving to the present location on the north side of Rib Mountain. Comprised of people from various faith backgrounds, Saint Andrew is a moderate Lutheran expression of the church and is uniquely made up of people from all walks of life. Because of this, many have experienced a sense of comfort and welcome here.

Guided by its mission to be open to all people, the ministry and the congregation has served and continues to serve the greater Wausau area and community.  The chronological history of Saint Andrew gives you a glimpse of significant events and occasions that have shaped the life and ministry of Saint Andrew.

As the world around us continues to change, we move forward as the body of Christ in this place, shaped by the understanding that the Holy Spirit, “calls, gathers enlightens and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth and keeps it united with Jesus Christ in the one true faith.” (Luther’s Small Catechism)


The ELCA is an expression of the Lutheran faith which consists of congregations across the 50 states and in the Caribbean region. While centered in the United States, the work of the ELCA has a worldwide extension. With the tagline of “God’s work. Our hands,” congregations of the ELCA recognize God empowers people to witness and serve others around the world.

Below are links that will provide a brief overview of who Saint Andrew Lutheran Church is as a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


Saint Andrew is one of 126 congregations of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin and a member congregation of the Wisconsin River Valley Conference.